Thursday, January 10, 2013

Monday, February 16, 2009

Quajanaq/Tusind Tak/Thanks! We did it!

To Marco, Sikkerninnguaq, Gerda, Stefan, Kimberly, Mads, Jens Ulrik, Kattalit, Avi, Pippa, Susanne, Sikke and Nete:

We are so very proud of you and your incredible effort and dedication to make Anguti and Juliette a success. You can accomplish anything you set your minds to. We knew you could do it!

We are so very, very proud of you and thank you for all your hard work and effort.

Morten and Charles

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Anguti and Juliette...We Were A Smash Hit! (photos by Leiff Josefsen, Sermitisiaq)

A very, very cordial thank you to the American people for funding our project, our friends at the American embassy, our parents and the staff and students at ASK, and all our friends and supporters in Greenland, especially Sermitsiaq, KNR-TV, Atlantic Music and Maik's Corner. A very big thank to Morten Christensen, the co-producer, who has such great promise and has been the anchor these kids have needed for years.

Charles says, "Mostly, I want to thank the kids. They're the ones who deserve the praise. Parting is such sweet sorrow, but it's the possibilities for the future that offer endless redemption."

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Opening Night! February 14, 2009---The show must go on!

We're expecting a VERY LARGE turnout and have added a second show at 8:45!

Opening Night! February 14, 2009

ASK Theater presents William Shakespeare's
“Anguti and Juliette”
A Very Greenlandic Tale
(a modern adaptation of Romeo and Juliet)

A One-Act Play
SCENE 1 (fight) – NUUK CITY
SCENE 3 (balcony) – BLOK P
SCENE 4 (wedding) – PISIFFIK
SCENE 5 (fight) – NUUK CITY
SCENE 6 (Juliette in crisis) – NUUK CITY
SCENE 7 (news report) – QANOROOQ DESK
SCENE 8 (death) – THE CRYPT

Character Performer
Anguti Johansen (Romeo Montaque): Sikke Brøns
Juliette Kleist (Juliet Capulet): Nete Lind
Benvolio (Montague): Gerda Lennert
Friar Laurence: Mads Christensen
Mayor of Nuuk (Prince): Mads Christensen
Mercutio (Mercutio): Jens Ulrik Knudsen
Mr. Kleist (Capulet): Stefan Christensen
Narrator (English): Kattaliit Løvstrøm
Narrator (Kalaallisut): Sikkerninnguaq Lidenhann
Narrator (Dansk): Kattaliit Løvstrøm
Nurse: Pipaluk Jakobsen
Paris (Mayor's family): Marco Olsen
Qanorooq Presenter: Susanne Mikaelsen
Reporter: Aviaaja Olsen
Tybalt Kleist (Capulet): Kimberly Pedersen

Art and Scenery Director: Kattaliit Løvstrøm
Stage Manager: Stefan Christensen

Project Partners
ASK High School, Nuuk/Inerisaavik, Nuuk/Sermitsiaq, Nuuk
Morten Christensen, Nuuk, Project Manager/The Embassy of the United States of America
Charles Kinney, Jr., English Language Fellow, Greenland/Edvard Jensen, ASK, Nuuk
Graciously funded by the people of the United States of America and ASK, Nuuk
Kalaallisut Translation: Laila and Tiger Knudsen, Qeqertarsuaq
Dansk Translation: Maja Grønlund Larsen/Jeppe Grønlund, Qeqertarsuaq

Special thanks to our parents and companions, the students and staff of ASK for letting us take over the school, KNR-TV and Qanorooq, Inge Rasmussen from Sermitsiaq, Sorine Petersen for acting tips, Tine Christensen for losing her husband for a month, Brugsen for putting sodas on sale, Maik’s Corner for styling, Atlantic Music for sound and our friends and supporters everywhere.

Music Credits
JoS-Pal-G Arsaatut, JoS-Pal-G, composer and performer.
La Valse d'Amélie (Theme from Amélie), Yann Tiersen, composer.
Cuppy Cake, Ben Adams, composer.
Symphony No. 9 (Scherzo), Ludwig van Beethoven, composer. Seattle Symphony. Gerard Schwarz, director.
Let the Sunshine In, Galt MacDermot, composer. James Rado and Gerome Ragni, lyrics.
Synopsis (Kalaallisut)
Oqaluttuaq aallartippoqNuup aqquserngani kamaattoqartoq the Johansen aamma the Kleist Akornani. Toqusoqanngilaq, kisiannili ullumikkut nuummi ajornartorsiutaapput.Anguti Johansen orsinamut asannilersooqqasoq kammalaatiminit inanneqarsimavoq Benvoliomit aamma Mercu-Tiomillu fiisteriassasoq Manhatten-imi Kleistikkut fisterfianni. Fiistimi tassani Juliette Kleist Naapippaa, kunippaa ingerlaannarlu asannilerfigaa. Anguti kingorna Juliette Kleistiusoq paasivaa. Aalajangerporlu asanninnini minnerutinniarnagu, imminnullu asanninnertik Blok p Aneerasaartarfiani uppernarsarpaat, aqaguanilu isertorlutik katinnissaminnut isumaqatigiipput. Friar Laurence Angutip Ikinngutaa isumaqataanngikkaluarluni inuusugalugit, kisiannili katisppai neriulluni Nuummi eqqissiviilliorneq unissasoq. Tybalt Kleist, Anguti kamaappaa Kleist Fiisterneranut takkussimammat Manhattenimut aqqusinermili Mercutio Angutilu naapippai Nuup aqqusergit arlaanni. Tybaltip paanissamut unammillerpai, Angutilli inerteraluarpaa, ilaqautariinnut taakkununnga Pinikuugami. Mercutio toqutaavoq Angutilu kamannermigut Tybalt toquppaa. Nuullu borgmesteriata Anguti Tasilaqut aallarussaatippaa. Juliette peqqissaasuata Juliette oqaluttuuppaa Anguti aallarussaasoq Parisilu katittariaqaraa.Juliette ernumalluni Friar Laurance ornippaa, siunnersorpaalu imigassaq toqungarpasitsisinnaasoq Imeqqullugu.Angutilu pilersaarummik paasitikkumavaa allaffigalugu. Juliette annilaangasunnguamik imigassaq imerpaa. Kleistikkut isumaqarput panitsik toqusimasoq, ilisaatippaallu.Allagarli Angutimut anngutinngilaq. Juliette toqusoralugu Anguti toqunartumik piseriarluni Nuummukarpoq, Paris-ip iliveq alakkarpaa Toqqorlunilu Anguti takkummat. Eqqarsarluni Anguti takkussimasoq ilaqutariit Kleistikkut iliviutaat ajortisariartorlugu, Angutilu unammillerpaa. Angutillu Paris toquppaa.Angutillu Juliette naggataamik kunippaa.toqunartorlu imerpaa toqullunilu. Juliette iterpoq paasillugulu susoqarsimasoq. Toqunartumillu imerniaraluarpoq nungussimavorli. Anguti naggammik kunippaa panaaraanillu imminut kapivoq. Johansens aamma Kleist ilaqutariit meeqqatik toqungasut nanivaat. Isumaqatigiillutillu kamaattarnerlu unitsillugu.

Synopsis (Dansk)
Historien starter i Nuuks gader med kamp mellem The Johansens og The Kleist. Ingen bliver dræbt, men det er slemme tider i Nuuk. Anguti (Johansen), der er forelsket i Orsina, bliver overtalt af sine venner, Benvolio and Mercutio, til at gå til en ”Johansen-familie” fest på Manhattan. Til denne fest møder han Juliette (Kleister), kysser hende, og bliver straks forelsket i hende. Anguti finder senere ud af, at hun er en ”Kleist”. På trods af det, beslutter sig for at han elsker hende alligevel, og de betror hinanden deres kærlighed på en balkon på Blok P, hvor de beslutter at gifte sig i hemmelighed den næste dag. Fader Laurence, en af Angutis venner, modsætter sig den unge kærlighed, men vier dem alligevel i håb om at ægteskabet vil bringe fred i Nuuk. Senere den dag finder Tybalt, Mercutio og Anguti i Nuuks gader. Tybalt er vred på Anguti, over at han kom til ”Kleist”-festen uden at være inviteret. Han udfordrer dem til en kamp, som Anguti prøver at afværge, nu da han er i familie med Tybalt. Borgmesteren i Nuuk sender Anguti i eksil i Tasilaq. Juliettes får at vide af sin sygeplejeske, at Anguti er i eksil og at hun nu skal giftes med Paris. Frustreret, går Juliette til Fader Laurence. Han siger, at hun skal drikke en drik, der vil få hende til at se død ud. Fader Lawrence sender et brev til Anguti der fortæller om planen. Juliette drikker giften i angst. ”Kleisterne” tror at deres datter er død og begraver hende. Brevet når desværre aldrig frem til Anguti. I den tro at Juliette er død, køber han en gift og kommer til Nuuk. Paris besøger Juliettes grav og gemmer sig da Anguti nærmer sig. Paris tror at Anguti er kommet for at skænde ”Kleister” familiens grav, og han udfordrer Anguti til en duel. Anguti slår Paris ihjel. Anguti kysser Juliette en sidste gang, drikker giften og dør. Juliette vågner og opdager hvad der er sket. Hun prøver at drikke den samme gift som Anguti, men flasken er tom. Hun kysser Anguti en sidste gang og stikker sig selv med Angutis daggert. ”The Johansens” og ”The Kleister” familierne finder deres døde børn og bliver enige om at slutte fejden.

Synopsis (English)
The story opens with fighting on the streets of Nuuk between the Johansen's and the Kleist's. No one is killed, but these are bad times in Nuuk. Anguti (Johansen), who is in love with Orsina, is convinced by his friends Benvolio and Mercutio to go to a Kleist party at Manhattan. At this party, he meets Juliette (Kleist), kisses her, and immediately falls in love with her. Anguti later finds out that she’s a Kleist. He decides he loves her anyway and they confess their love for each other on a balcony at Blok P, where they agree to secretly marry the next day. Friar Laurence, a friend of Anguti, disagrees with such young love but marries them anyway in the hope the marriage will bring peace to Nuuk. Later that day, Tybalt (Kleist), angry from Anguti crashing the Kleist' party at Manhattan, finds Mercutio and Anguti on the streets of Nuuk. He challenges them to a fight, which Anguti tries to stop as he's now a relative of Tybalt. Mercutio is killed, and in anger, Anguti kills Tybalt. The Mayor of Nuuk sends Anguti into exile to Tasilaq. Juliette's nurse tells Juliette that Anguti is exiled, and that she must marry Paris. Distressed, Juliette goes to Friar Laurence, who tells her to drink a potion that will make her appear dead. He'll send a letter to Anguti telling him of the plan. Afraid, Juliette drinks the potion. The Kleist's think their daughter is dead and bury her. The letter never reaches Anguti. Thinking Juliette is dead, Anguti buys poison and comes to Nuuk. Paris visits Juliette's grave, where he hides when Anguti approaches. Thinking Anguti has come to disturb the Kleist' family grave, he challenges Anguti to a duel. Anguti kills Paris. Anguti kisses Juliette one last time, drinks the poison and dies. Juliette wakes up and realizes what has happened. She tries to drink the same poison but there's none left. She kisses Anguti one last time and stabs herself with Anguti dagger. The Johansen' and the Kleist' families find their dead children and agree to end their fighting.